Spencer Municipal Utilities is a leader in electric, water, and communications services. We work closely with various state and national organizations on our services.
Iowa One Call – Reminding Iowans to Call or Click Before they Dig-schedule a locate and learn more about the process.
Iowa Utilities Board – The mission of the Iowa Utilities Board is to regulate utilities to ensure that reasonably priced, reliable, environmentally responsible, and safe utility services are available to all Iowans.
Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities – IAMU represents more than 540 municipal broadband, electric, gas, and water utilities across the state of Iowa.
Iowa Communications Alliance – The Iowa Communications Alliance represents more than 130 community-based telecommunications providers who offer broadband, telephone, and digital television service to rural Iowans.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources – The Iowa Department of Natural Resources oversees water quality in the state of Iowa.
American Public Power Association – The American Public Power Association (APPA) is based in Washington, DC, and is the service organization for more than 2,000 community-owned electric utilities.
American Water Works Association – The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is an international nonprofit educational association dedicated to safe water, which was founded back in 1881.
American Communications Association – The American Communications Association (ACA) represents small and medium-sized independent operators who provide video, high-speed broadband, and phone services to small and rural markets across the country.